Duschberichte (shower reports)
is an interactive art project which will take place in hotel showers and bathrooms in various cultural areas.
Start of project: Berlin 2005, ARCOTEL Velvet Berlin-Mitte. From the 18. February to the 1. April 2005,
134 hotel guests in 10 showers / bathrooms were confronted with various Duschinstallationen (shower bodies).
Twelve people wrote shower reports on their experiences. Afterwards the project was made public and set in a new context at the Walter Bischoff Gallery in Berlin.
My particular thanks go to the managing director of the ARCOTEL hotel group, KommRat Raimund Wimmer, the director of the ARCOTEL Velvet Berlin-Mitte, Jens Gmiat, and his team, and the gallery owner Walter Bischoff, who all made vital contributions to the success of the Berlin project.
about the project
shower reports
documentation shower bodies